This year, however, I do intend to advertise my hand-crafted items more since I've now got them on BONANZA in my Knits'NMore booth. Here's a few of my advertising plans ...
Tweeting items ( @mkdesigner )
Posting on various YAHOO Groups where they allow ads of items for sale
Facebooking more than I have been lately - once I figure out how to utilize it better!
I'll be advertising and participating more on all the various Yahoo Groups I belong to as well.
I'll be advertising and participating more on all the various Yahoo Groups I belong to as well.
Being more active in posting comments on all my favorite blogs
Advertising on Craig's List (this always gets me sales on hand-crafted items & ePatterns)
Promoting my two booths more on Bonanza's Promote Your Booth Forum
I'm also on ETSY so will be promoting there as well.
And last but not least, my KABOODLE
These are my main promotion ideas. I'd like your comments on how your online sales are going thus far and do you have any special promotions in mind to help boost sales?
Thanks for your input!
Marge in Sparks, NV