Saturday, November 9, 2013

Awww .. Too Cute!

This picture is of Buttons.  Jerry's cat.  The one who roamed the house howling and searching for Jerry after he passed away.  Took her several weeks to realize he was not coming back.  She now gets up in my lap for some cuddles.  Snapped this pic of her just this morning.  She's such a sweetie.

Well, back to work! 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Finding A LOT of Vintage Around Here!!

Other than me, of course! LOL.  Starting to go through a rather huge stack of CD's and have put the following up on Zibbet in my Vintage Music section:

Does anyone ever need men's ties to repurpose?  I've still got about half a dozen or so that are just lolling about in the closet in a plastic hanger bag.  If you are interested, please let me know and I'll put them up on Zibbet in my Craft Supplies section along with all the other nifty craft supplies I have in there.
Don't forget, my YARN sale with 15% OFF any of my yarns is still valid until the 10th of November.  So hurry and get your orders in now!  Use Promo code B0G938 for this fabulous  yarn discount!

Keep on Knittin' !!