Monday, February 25, 2008

Time Is A Frien-Emy

Is your crafting time your friend or your enemy?? Well, for ME, time has been the 'enemy' rather than my friend that it usually is around this time of the year. Too much going on in the family and personal time was not all that plentiful.

But it's settling down and is sorta a frienemy. Thought it was going back into overdrive the other day, but was able to get my diabetes under control again so all is well.

There are some summer craft fairs coming up and I want to get my ribber back on the electronic knitting machine and make some DBJ blankets for the Charity Booth. There are 11 cones of thin cotton I unearthed in the back of the closet the other day that really need to be used up. So my time had better stay settled down and progress from frienemy to friend, really soon!

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